ECO2 products represent a breakthrough in technology, combining unmatched performance characteristics with the latest in ‘GREEN’ advancements. ECO2 powder materials use a special formulation of calcium aluminate cement with refined recycled glass, in place of silica sand (crystalline silica), to dramatically increase performance, while being much safer to install.

What is crystalline silica?

Crystalline silica is a common mineral used in many industrial products and at construction sites. Materials like sand, concrete, stone and mortar contain crystalline silica.

How can crystalline silica be harmful?

Inhaling very small crystalline silica particles causes multiple diseases, including silicosis, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and kidney disease.

What are the advantages of refined recycled glass?

The material used in ECO2 powder materials comes from recycled glass bottles using a special refining process that produces no crystalline silica. Using this renewable ingredient offers various performance advantages and is much safer for the end user.

Information on Crystalline Silica is from the United States Department of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “Safety and Health Topics: Silica”

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PO Box 170065
Boston, MA 02116

Main Number: (617) 456-7639
Toll-Free: (800) 245-8165
Fax: (617) 456-7647



ECO2 products have been tested and verified by the Green Building experts at Vertima, one of only four third party organizations in North America that analyze and certify the validity of eco-declarations of products. For more information, visit